Boost Your Oral Health with Routine Dental Exams and Cleanings
If a healthy, attractive smile is important to you, you won’t neglect routine dental visits. Good oral care at home doesn’t replace your need for professional dental services to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regular dental exams and cleanings from Peachtree Corners Dental Associates in Peachtree Corners, Georgia, will help you maintain good oral health over the long haul.
What to Expect from Oral Exams
Oral exams are routine checkups that help Dr. Kristina Dawson keep track of your oral health. During a dental exam, Dr. Dawson will visually inspect your teeth, gums, and jaw for signs of infection, decay, or other issues that can ruin your oral health. A periodontal exam will help uncover signs of gum disease so that we can recommend treatment. X-rays help find hidden problems, such as a cavity between your teeth or bone loss due to gum disease. Through oral exams, Dr. Dawson can catch dental problems early to keep them from escalating into major issues. An oral exam will also reveal areas in your home oral care that are lacking, so we can recommend ways to improve your dental hygiene routine to keep your teeth as healthy as possible.
What to Expect from Dental Cleanings
During routine dental cleanings, your dental hygienist will rid your mouth of plaque and tartar buildup that can cause cavities. We’ll focus on areas where brushing is difficult, such as the nooks and crannies of your back teeth, as that’s where plaque is more likely to accumulate. Routine cleaning also rids your teeth of surface stains caused by foods and drinks. Once your mouth is clean, we’ll polish your teeth to leave your smile fresh and shiny.
Benefits of Dental Exams and Cleanings
Routine dental exams and cleanings help:
- Boost your oral health to preserve the beauty of your smile
- Detect dental problems early when they’re easier to treat
- Prevent common problems like decay, oral infections, and dental disease
- Saves you money on costly dental treatments
- Prevent tooth loss
To schedule an exam or cleaning at our Peachtree Corners, GA office, contact Peachtree Corners Dental Associates at (770) 501-6669.